According to a recent press release from CCAP, the new standard GB 4660-2016 ("GuoBiao") for headlights from 1 January 2017 came into force and this replaces the "old" standard GB 4660-2007. Furthermore, a new Technical Resolution TC11-2017-02 was published.
Which test and which standard were listed in detail, you will find more informaiton on TC11-2017-02.
For general information on the CCC please look through the chapter CCC procedure. If you have any questions, please use the Contact Us page.
According to a recent press release by CNCA, a series of new regulations on CCC Marking Permission ("Permission of Printing", "PoP", "CCC Mark") have been published: The translated text can be found below.
From 20 March the respective certification organization is responsible for the irregular CCC Mark. Irregular CCC mark are CCC mark, which with "PRINTED, PRESSED, MOLDED, SCREEN-PRINTED "," PAINTED "," ETCHED "," CARVED"is introduced on the product.
According to the current state, no official new PoP will be issued. We as a service provider in the area of CCC will issue you a PoP that we have checked.
And from 20 March 2018 will be a uniform CCC Mark without specific mark such as "S (Safety Products)", "EMC (Electro Magnetic Compatibility)", "S & E (Safety & Electro Magnetic Compatibility)", "F (Fire Fighting)" , "I (Information Security)" used. Plant that already has a valid CCC cert. and has a valid CCC mark, it can continue to use.
Source: CNCA Notice (No.10, 2018)
For general information on the CCC please look through the chapter CCC procedure. If you have any questions, please use the Contact Us page.
公告 国家 公告 公告 CNCA notice
发布 日期 Date: 2018-03-15
2018 年 第 10 号: 2018 (No.10)
网址 Source:
国家 认监委 关于 强制性 产品 认证 标志 改革 事项 的 公告
Notice of Change of CCC Mark for CCC Products
一, 取消 印刷 / 模压 CCC 标志 的 审核 和 收费
Fee for printing permission not applicable (read more!)
1. 自 2018 年 3 月 20 日 起, 取消 指定 标志 发放 管理 机构 (北京 中 强 认 产品 标志 技术 服务 中心) 对 印刷 / 模压 CCC 标志 的 审核, 并 取消 相应 的 审核 收费, 由 获证 企业 自行 印刷 / 模压CCC 标志.
1. Beginning with 20 March 2018, the use of CCC Marking will not be reviewed by the previous CCC (CCC Mark Issuance & Management Center = Marking Center) and the fee for Printing Permission will be waived. Manufacturers can even mark CCC Logo on the successfully certified product without applying for the Printing Permission, as long as the size ratio and the existing marking regulations are adhered to (eg CCC logo not deformed, ratio of width to height 1,27: 1, etc.) ,
2. 获证 企业 自行 印刷 / 模压 CCC 标志 按照 "强制性 产品 认证 标志 加 施 管理 要求" (见 附件 1) 执行.
Manufacturers who have valid CCC certificates may mark the CCC logo according to the "CCC Mark Processing and Management Requirement" (see Appendix 1) on the successfully certified product
二, 关于 标准 规格 CCC 标志 的 发放 管理
About the exhibition management of the regular CCC mark (regular CCC mark = purchased standard CCC mark)
1. AB 1 May 2018 takes over the respective certification organization responsible for issuing the regular CCC mark. The fee will be charged according to the National Development and Reform Commission Notice 2015〕 no. 1299) paid.
2.2018 5 年 月 1 日前, 各 指定 认证 机构 应 完成 标准 规格 CCC 标志 发放 管理 的 各项 准备 工作, 包括 CCC 标志 发放 管理 程序, 联系人, 联系 电话 等, 并 予以 公布.
2. BIS 1 May 2018 should have prepared the respective certification organization to work with the exhibition management of the regular CCC marking. The procedure for the exhibition management of the CCC marking, the contact details of the contact person as well as telephone number, etc. are to be announced.
3. The previous exhibition organization of CCC Mark (Beijing CCC Mark Product Mark Technical Service Center = Marking Center) is only BIS 31 Mai 2018 responsible for issuing the regular CCC mark. From 1. June 2018, this exhibition organization is NOT responsible for issuing the regular CCC mark.
三, 简化 整合 CCC 标志 的 类别
Simplification and standardization of the categories of CCC marking
自 2018 年 3 月 20 日 起, CCC 标志 不再 标注 S (安全 产品), EMC (电磁 兼容), S & E (安全 与 电磁 兼容), F (消防), I (信息 安全) 等 细分 类别, 原有 CCC 标志 可 根据 模具 更换 周期 及 产品 库存 等 情况 自然 过渡 淘汰.
From 20 March 2018 will have a uniform CCC mark without specific markings such as "S (Safety Products)", "EMC (Electro Magnetic Compatibility)", "S & E (Safety & Electro Magnetic Compatibility)", "F (Fire Fighting)", "I (Information Security)" used. Manufacturer who has a valid CCC certificate and a CNCA issued Printing Permission, this change can be made individually.
四, 加强 CCC 标志 加 施行 为 的 后续 监管
Increased control of the use of CCC marking
获证 企业 在 加 施 标准 规格 CCC 标志 以及 自行 印刷 / 模压 CCC 标志 时, 应 严格 按照 "强制性 产品 认证 标志 加 施 管理 要求" 和 "强制性 产品 认证 实施 规则" 的 相关 要求, 建立 本 单位 的CCC 标志 使用 和 管理 制度, 并对 CCC 标志 的 使用 情况 进行 记录 和 存档.
Manufacturers using regular CCC markings or irregular CCC markings must set up their own CCC usage and management system in accordance with the CCC Mark Processing and Management Requirement and CCC Product Implementation Rule requirements, and use CCC marking be logged and archived.
指定 认证 机构 应 加强 对 CCC 标志 的 监督 管理 工作, 指导 获证 企业 正确 使用 CCC 标志, 落实 认证 机构 主体 责任.
The respective certification organization should strengthen the review and control work for the use of CCC mark. Manufacturers can obtain information from the respective certification organization for the correct use of the CCC marking.
各级 地方 认证 监督 管理 部门 应 加强 对 加 施 CCC 标志 的 监督 管理 和 执法 检查.
The authority is to strengthen the monitoring and control work for the use of CCC marking.
五, 其他 事项
Further information
原 "强制性 产品 认证 标志 管理 办法" (国家 认监委 公告 2001 年 第 1 号) 及 "关于 强制性 产品 认证 标志 发放 管理 相关 事项 的 公告" (国家 认监委 公告 2002 年 第 7 号) 同时废止.
The former "CCC Product Certification Mark Management Method" (CNCA no.1 2001) and "CCC Product Certificate Mark Issuance Management Announcement" (CNCA no.7 2002) have been canceled.
According to a recent press release from AQSIQ (Inspection and Quarantine) and SAC (Standardization Administration of the People`s Republic of China), 291 has released new mandatory GB standards that need to be implemented on 01.09.2018 Information can be found on SAC source.
For general information on the CCC please look through the chapter CCC procedure. If you have any questions, please use the Contact Us page.
In 2017, according to the recent announcement by the Chinese authority CNCA (No.6 2018) products of 1676 works were checked by sampling. Products such as electrical wiring and cables, electrical tools, switches for circuits and fuses, household appliances, lamps, toys, automotive parts and safety components, child seats, etc., have been selected in the production or Chinese market and according to the CCC laws and the Chinese GB Standards checked. 198 CCC certificates were withdrawn. Reasons for this were: negative result from testing of the product, deviation due to CCC mark, deviation due to CoP (Conformity of Production), etc. For more information, see CNCA No.6 2018.
According to a recent press release, chief Li Shufu from Chinese carmaker Geely has secured 9.69% of Daimler's shares through an investment company. According to a statement by a spokesman for Daimler, that every investor interested in the long term is welcome to the Swabians. More information can be found on News.
CNCA-C08-01: Audio and Video Equipment
CNCA-C11-07: headlight
CNCA-C11-09: Interior paneling
CNCA-C10-01: Lighting devices
CNCA-C16-01: Telecommunication Equipment:
More information can be found under CNCA Bekanntmachung (Nr.04.2018).
In the current issue of CNCA News, the customs clearance of several products has been stopped. To prevent this from happening, help prepare your business for certification. We support you in the necessary activities so that you get a quick, efficient and qualitative certification.
Further information can be found at CNCA News.
You work at your pace. You can handle your projects independently via our portal, as well as inquire about personal support. We have therefore committed ourselves to give you the opportunity to design your own processes, without having to give up the support through our portal through us
We offer you the opportunity to carry out your certification processes yourself, but without having to forego the know-how or the support of experienced employees. The online system is designed for a variety of certifications and offers you also FAQ lists, as well as ready-made forms and tables, as well as a module to clarify open questions with one of our employees.
In our fast time changes in business life are a constant accompaniment. Fixed structures that used to build up over many years can now be smashed very quickly. There are internal and external reasons for this. The CS gives an overview of the conformity during changes.
Since we all only have a limited time and financial capacity, and want to offer the customer a comprehensive service, cooperations only make sense among related organizations. These have a reliable structure, as well as a good interpersonal harmony.